- Location神奈川、 日本
- Type住宅
- Site area102m²
- Total floor area93m²
- Planning by虎尾 亮太、謝 欣芸、土谷 希郎
- Award, Publication住宅特集2019.05 掲載
This project is in a dense residential development area on a gentle slope.
As a request from the owner, "a bright house with a garden" "a house where the children can play in the garden" "a low-cost house" seems very familiar to what everybody wants. But when looking at the surrounding houses, despite the probability of being built with a similar request, they create a closed townscape with aligning parking lots on the north side and small openings. Even on the sloped road, the crammed houses cover the sky.
Therefore, we afforded a garden space which also serves as a parking space on the east side of the property and made a large entrance facing it. This garden acts as a void that introduces light and wind and greenery to not only the house but also the city.
The land on the south side is now vacant, though a neighboring house is expected to be built soon, we did not create an opening on the first floor. Instead, the second floor is wide open toward the sky. By making the windows larger heading towards the back of the premises, both privacy and openness are compatible.
Although the design of the house is simple, the floor levels are divided and vertically shifted. It creates ventilation and daylight seeps through the house. It also represents the sloped character of the area and is introducing it to the lifestyle of the house.
Light and wind runs throughout the house and the once more brightened street becomes the perfect playground for the children.
- Site area102m²
- Total floor area93m²
- Planning byRyota Torao, Alice Hsieh, Kiro Tsuchiya
- Specialist / StructureKonishi Structural Engineers
- © Photography byMasao Nishikawa
- Locations神奈川、 日本 KANAGAWA, JAPAN
- Site area102m²
- Total floor area93m²
- Planning by虎尾 亮太、謝 欣芸、土谷 希郎 Ryota Torao, Alice Hsieh, Kiro Tsuchiya
- Specialist / StructureKonishi Structural Engineers
- © Photography byMasao Nishikawa
- Award, Publication住宅特集2019.05 掲載