
  • 107-0062 港区南青山2-7-6-B1
    2-7-6-B1 Minami Aoyama, Minato City, Tokyo
  • Tel+81-3-6804-6537
  • Email


For design inquiries or consultations, please feel free to contact us at the email address below. After reviewing the content, we will respond to your email within one week. We will gather more details at a later time. The initial consultation does not incur any charges, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us for a casual discussion.



For inquiries regarding publication or media coverage, please contact us at the email address provided below. Please include the company name, contact person's name, and contact information. Our representative will get in touch with you via phone or email.



現在TORAO+HSIEH ARCHITECTSでは、住宅、ホテル、商業施設など多様なプロジェクトが進行しています。 また国内に限らず、台湾をはじめとした海外でのプロジェクトなど、現地に赴いてその場所でしか出来ないことを、チームの皆でフラットに議論しながら設計に取り組みます。様々なコトに興味をもって一緒に議論やモノづくりをできるメンバーを募集します。


1. 履歴書(氏名・住所・顔写真・職歴・志望動機・自己PRを明記のこと)
2. ポートフォリオ(Emailの場合は10MB以下、原本郵送も可(返却はできません)

採用人数: ~2名
応募資格: 年齢、性別、実務経験不問
給与: 社内規定による(交通費等支給あり、社会保険完備)
休日: 土曜、日曜、祝日、年末年始休暇、夏季休暇
勤務条件: 応相談(週3日以上~可)
勤務地: 東京
採用過程: 3カ月間の研修期間(手当あり)を経て正式採用となります。
募集期間: 採用決定次第終了とさせて頂きます。
選考方法: 書類審査後、面接。



採用人数: 若干名
応募資格: 年齢、性別、実務経験不問
手当: 能力に応じてアルバイト手当あり。また大学への報告書など単位取得支援します。
交通費: 全支給(上限あり)
勤務期間: 応相談(2週間以上を推奨します)
募集期間: 随時

New design staff recruitment

Please send the following materials to the e-mail address below.

1. Please include your name and job title in the email subject line, and attach your detailed resume and portfolio (total attachments shall not exceed max 10MB)
2. In the attached resume, please include your name, address, photo, working experience, education background and personal statement.
3. In the content of email, please clearly state the reason why you are interested in working in TORAO+ HSIEH ARCHITECTS. * Due to the volume of resumes we receive, we are only able to respond to qualified candidates. And for qualified candidate, an interview would be arranged as soon as possible.
4. Hard copy of portfolio via post is also accepted. Please mail to our Tokyo office address. * please note that we cannot return your portfolio if it is sent by hard copy.

Work location: Tokyo
Language: fluent in English or Japanese (preferred)
Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays and the New Year’s day, Summer holidays.
Selection Method: Review written materials and then arrange interview. after passing the interview, 1 to 3 month’s probation period will be determined.

New intern student recruitment in Tokyo office

Please send the e-mail to the address below.

Skills required
- Cad(AutoCad), 3D softwares(Rhinoceros), Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Word, Excel etc.
- Fluent in English or Japanese (preferred)